
Installing One Commander V3

One Commander Version 3 comes in two forms, both of which will be automatically updated as new versions become available. The Store version is easier to install, but has a few minor limitations. The Portable version does not have these limitations, but takes a couple more steps to install.

  • Portable version: This is downloaded from https:\\onecommander.com, and comes as a zip file. Unlike normal Windows programs, it can be installed in any folder of your choice, including on portable drives (e.g. USB drives). To install this version:
    • Download a zip file from onecommander.com.
    • Right-click the zip file and select "Properties". At the bottom of the General tab, under "Security", check the "Unblock" box:

  • Extract the contents of the zip file in the usual manner to the folder in which you want to store the program.
  • Create a shortcut for the file OneCommander.exe: Right-click on the file OneCommander.exe and select "Create shortcut". This creates the shortcut file "OneCommander.exe - Shortcut.lnk", which, when you double-click on it, runs One Commander.
  • Move the shortcut to any convenient location. For example, you can put it on the Start Menu, at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu.

  • Microsoft Store version: This is installed by the Store on your computer and updated from there. It is mainly the same as the Portable version, with the following differences:
    • The Settings files are found at "C:\Users\<User name>\OneCommander".
    • It cannot run ActiveX controls, meaning that One Commander's native Preview can't open certain file types (mainly Microsoft Office files).
Upgrading from Version 2: If you want to re-use your Version 2 settings, go to Settings > Window and click on

Installing One Commander on more than one computer

If you would like to move your settings to One Commander on a second computer:

  1. Install One Commander on the second computer.
  2. On a removable medium (e.g. a USB drive), make a copy of the first computer's file "OneCommanderV3.json", which you can find in the Settings folder.
  3. On the second computer, locate the Settings folder and rename the file "OneCommanderV3.json" to something else, for example "OneCommanderV3.json.installation".
  4. Copy/move the "OneCommanderV3.json" file from your first computer into the Settings folder on the second computer.
This will move over your basic settings. Others, such as Favorites and Tabs, can't be copied over because they reference folders specific to the first computer.

If you have a Pro licence, you will need to contact [email protected] to arrange for the Pro licence to be valid on the second computer.

Updating One Commander

One Commander offers enhancements and improvements, as well as bug fixes, through regular updates. You will know that an update is available when a red button appears in the Title Bar, at the right-hand end, and an update notification appears in the Notification Pane. Click on the button, and the update will be applied automatically.

5. Troubleshooting